A Prayer for Peace
Lord Jesus Christ,
You are the true King of peace.
In You alone is found freedom.
Please free our world from conflict.
Bring unity to troubled nations.
Let Your glorious peace reign in every heart.
Dispel all darkness and evil.
Protect the dignity of every human life.
Replace hatred with Your love.
Give wisdom to world leaders.
Free them from selfish ambition.
Eliminate all violence and war.
Glorious Virgin Mary,
Saint Michael the Archangel,
Every angel and saint:
Please pray for peace.
Pray for unity amongst nations.
Pray for unity amongst all people.
Pray for the most vulnerable.
Pray for those suffering.
Pray for the fearful.
Pray for those most in need.
Pray for us all.
Jesus, Son of the Living God, have mercy on us.
Jesus, hear our prayers.
Jesus, I trust in You!

The Liwara Newsletter, Volume 17
11th October 2024

In this week's newsletter:
- Welcome Back
- P & F Disco
- School Fair
and more...
Dear Liwara Families
Welcome back to the final term of the 2024 school year! I hope everyone enjoyed a well-deserved break filled with relaxation, fun activities, and some enriching reading. As we embark on this last stretch, let’s channel the energy from the holidays into making this term both productive and memorable. A very special thank you to all our students who engaged respectfully and reverently at our Term Four Opening Mass this morning. The choir, once again, were in fantastic form and sang beautifully and harmoniously. Their singing was truly moving and added so much to the special occasion. We are incredibly proud of their talent and dedication, and with Miss Mandry at the helm, who could ask for more!
The final term is a crucial time to consolidate all that we’ve learned throughout the year. We have exciting times ahead, and I encourage you to dive into them with enthusiasm.
As we kick off this exciting term, we’re thrilled to announce two major events that are sure to be the highlight of the season! First up, we have the highly anticipated Student Disco, where students can showcase their dance moves and enjoy an evening of music and fun organised and run by our fabulous parents and P&F. It’s a fantastic opportunity for everyone to relax and have fun with friends after a busy first week back at school!
Following the disco, get ready for our amazing School Fair, which promises to be bigger and better than ever! With a variety of stalls, games, and activities, the fair is not just a great way to celebrate the term but also a fantastic opportunity to bring the school community together.
Let’s work together to make these last months both rewarding and enjoyable.
If your child will not be returning to Liwara for the 2025 school year, please advise the front office by email as soon as possible. We currently have families on a waitlist for some classes, eager to join our school community.
Due to popular demand, the Buy A Brick campaign has been extended to Friday, 11 October. Please contact the office if you would like to purchase a brick and leave you mark on Liwara for generations to come.

We currently have a limited number of vacancies for 2024 across selected year groups, I urge you to contact our Enrolment Officer, as soon as possible, to discuss the enrolment process. I am currently meeting with future and current parents for our 2025 Kindy and Pre Kindy placements. Enrolment information and applications can be downloaded from our school website HERE or a paper copy can be collected from the school office.
- Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial for academic success. Please ensure students arrive on time and are prepared for classes.
- Car Park Protocol: Parking in student drop off and pick up bays, in either of the drive through areas, is not allowed. Please do not leave your car unattended and/or parked in the drive through areas at any time.
- Communication: Stay in touch with your child’s learning through the school’s communication platform, Seesaw. Regular updates and information will be sent out to keep you informed.
Warm regards
Mrs Andrea Millar
Parish Mass
Year 2 will be attending Parish Mass on Thursday, 17 October at 9am in the All Saints Parish.
Year 6 will attend on Friday, 25 October at 9am in the All Saints Parish.
P & F Meeting
Our next P&F meeting will take place on Tuesday, 15 October in the Liwara Hall commencing at 7:00pm. All are invited to attend.
NIPSSA Interschool Athletics Carnival
The Northern Independent Primary Schools Sports Association (NIPSSA) Interschool Athletics Carnival for Years 3-6 will be held at Ridgewood Reserve, Ridgewood on Friday the 18th of October. Students who were selected to participate in the squad were informed last term. Please see the message sent via Seesaw from Mr Sanders for further information about the day. We wish all competitors the best of luck and look forward to hearing about their day.
Whole School Prayer
Year 3 will be leading the school in Whole School Prayer on Monday, 21 October at 2:40pm at the All Saints Parish. All are welcome to join us for prayer.
Certificate Assembly
Our first Certificate Assembly will take place on Friday, 25 October at 2:20pm in the Liwara Hall. All families are welcome to join us.
Liwara Family Mass
This term’s Family Mass will be held in the All Saints Parish on Sunday, 27 October, (Week 3) commencing at 9:30am. All families are encouraged to attend and those students who attend in school uniform will be allowed to wear free dress at school the following day (Monday, 28 October).
Performance Assembly for Term 4
Year One will have their Performance Assembly on Friday, 1 November at 2:20pm in the Liwara Hall. We welcome all families to join us for our last Performance Assembly of the year.
Miss Angela Leddin & Mrs Jesseca Francis
Assistant Principals
In Term Four we are focusing on our school value of Faith. We strive to model Gospel Values to others through our work and play, whilst seeking a stronger relationship with God.

TERM 4 - 8 October to 6 December 2024
Week 2
15 Oct - P & F Meeting @ 7.00pm
16 Oct -Yr 1 Wildlife Incursion
17 Oct - Yr 2 Parish Mass @ 9.00am
17 Oct - Kindy - Duncraig Library Incursion
18 Oct - Yr3-6 Interschool Athletics Carnival - selected students only
18 Oct - Hymn Singing @ 2.20pm
Week 3
21 Oct - Yr 3 Whole School Prayer
22 Oct - Book Fair commences
23 Oct - School Tour @ 9.30am
23 Oct - Sacred Heart Orientation & Testing
24 Oct - Book Fair concludes
25 Oct - Yr 6 Social Justice Toy Sale
25 Oct - Certificate Assembly @ 2.20pm
27 Oct - Family Mass @ 9.30am
Term Four has begun and Kindies are having fun fun fun!! This term we are learning about people who help us in the community. We made community helper headbands and have experienced what it is like to work in the Teddy Bear Hospital and made medical bags for our doctor tools. Playing in the fire truck was so much fun and we are looking to a visit from a real life fire truck this term, as well as an ambulance and police car.

The Liwara Wind Band had a blast at the first rehearsal! Joyful noise was made by all, with plenty of fun and great music making. Wind Band is open to all year 4 - 6 students who learn a wind instrument or percussion. All are welcome, see Miss Mandry for more details. Let the music play on!

Update from the Environment Ministry
Did you know plastic has only existed for 116 years and it’s already a huge problem? Only 14% of plastic is recycled. We are trying to make a massive difference here at Liwara. So, what could you do? You can support Liwara’s Wrapper Free Wednesday! Pack your children a healthy lunch without wrappers on Wednesdays. Let’s make a difference together!

All students are encouraged to return their borrowed books before school from 8.15am to go into the weekly raffle draw.
Library Days
Tuesday – Years 1 & 2
Wednesday – Years 3, 5 & 6
Thursday – Kindy, Pre-Primary & Year 4
Book Returns
If you have outstanding library books, they can be dropped into the main office.
Library Bags for Sale
The Liwara Craft Group have made Library bags. They are selling them for $10.00 a bag and all profits go towards the craft stall for the School Fair.
If you are interested in purchasing one or more of these beautiful bags, they can be purchased through Trybookings:
Bring your receipt to the Library and select a bag!

2024 Scholastic Book Fair
Book Fair is coming to Liwara Library
- Tuesday 22nd,
- Wednesday 23rd and
- Thursday 24th October
Before School: 8.15am - 8.45am / After School: 3pm - 3.45pm
Payment via EFTPOS, cash and online pre-payment.
This is a wonderful opportunity to do some early Christmas shopping. Every sale benefits our school, adding valuable resources to the library!

Mrs Clark
Welcome back to Term 4, we hope you had a great holiday.
We have been cooking and preparing all of the menu items this week, we are all stocked and ready for a busy term.
Just a little reminder that the focaccia and sushi orders cannot be changed as those items are made up and delivered fresh to us.
Thank you for supporting the Liwara Canteen.

Deb & Adriana
The Uniform Shop is open Thursdays from 8.15am - 9am for all your uniform needs! Doors will not open outside of these hours.
Please note that students have transitioned to their Summer Uniform for Term 4.
If your child is currently in Kindy or Pre Primary, you can now purchase your uniforms for 2025, you don't need an appointment for a forward order.
The online ordering system is also available for placing these orders as well.
JFE Details
Phone: 9204 1701
Email: saes@jfe.net.au


To read this week's P & F Newsletter, click here
To keep up to date, head to our private Facebook page by clicking here.
7 Liwara Place
Greenwood, WA
Father Elver Delicano
Monday – Friday 6am & 9am
Saturdays 6pm
Sundays 7:30am, 9:30am & 5:30pm
Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am - 3pm
m: 0466604754
e: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au

Last week at 24:7 Greenwood we had our Encounter Night. It was an awesome night of games, fun, reflection and was a great way to wrap up our term theme. We started our night with volleyball and card games before moving into our group games for the night.
After this we moved back inside to hear our talk for the night from youth minister Mark De Silva who shared with us about school and the importance of this in our lives and our faith before moving into the Church for the reflection part of our Encounter Night. In the Church there was the chance to contemplate on our term theme, Life of Faith, and all the amazing topics we’ve covered this term.
At our next youth group on the 13 October, we will be diving straight into our content for term 4, Testimonies. We will be having an awesome guest speaker coming in to share with the young people about their experiences through their faith journey

God bless,
Jesse and Lucy
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers


Dear Year 4 Parents and Guardians,
Sacred Heart College warmly invites you to express interest in Year 7 2027 enrolment.
The Year 7 2027 enrolment process commences in mid-January 2025. To ensure you are invited to complete an application for your child and for a tour of the College, we strongly recommend completing an Expression of Interest (EOI) for each child by the end of Year 4. The EOI has an $85 non-refundable fee. To commence an EOI please click here.
For more information regarding our enrolments policy, please click here to view our website.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact College Registrar Niki Jenkins on 08 9246 8283 or registrar@sacredheart.wa.edu.au.

As we head towards summer, a lot of families are starting to get back into the water or planning holidays by the beach, rivers, or swimming pools. It is important we help them support their child to stay safe and confident in the water.
VacSwim provides children aged five to 17 years with the opportunity to develop and progress their swimming and water safety skills during the October and summer school holidays. We offer programs for beginner, intermediate and advanced swimmers at over 175 locations across Western Australia.
For further information, details of locations and how to enrol, please visit our website.

Dental Health Services
Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre
Greenwood Primary School | Merivale Way, Greenwood,Wa,6024
Ph: (08) 92035611 |

We are now accepting Pre Kindy - Year 6 enrolments for 2026, 2027 & beyond. Please contact the school if you have any questions on 6224 2000 or via email: enquiries@liwara.wa.edu.au for more information.