We pray to God so we can be
a loving Catholic community,
With faith, respect, trust and mercy
each day our school is a place to learn and play
Our environment needs our love and care
All Saints protect us everywhere
Bless us as our community gathers
where every single person matters
At Liwara we give thanks to you
Help us Lord in all we do.

Come let’s gather to Liwara
Where in Christ we’ll build tomorrow
Build in faith, hope, love all three
Only source of unity
See the trees grow straight and tall
A symbol of the Christian call
With branches raised as if in prayer
For God’s creative healing care
Let us too this lesson learn
And children to our Father turn
In praise and pleading for His care
And with others freely share
So built in Him in grace we’ll grow
And to our world His kingdom show
His kindness, truth, fidelity
Justice, peace, community
Here will reign one full of grace
The one who gave Christ dwelling place
She Liwara’s Queen will be
Christ’s own Mother Mary
So let’s gather to Liwara
Seed to plant for our tomorrow
Planting, building high endeavour
For the fruits which last forever