Prayer for Strength
Lord, grant me the strength to face this day with courage and confidence.
Help me to remember that You are with me in all that I do, guiding me, supporting me, and granting me the resilience to overcome challenges.

The Liwara Newsletter, Volume 10
14th June 2024

In this week's newsletter:
- Music Performance Assembly
- Catholic Performing Arts Festival
- First Communion
- New Reversable School Hats
and more...
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Music Performance Assembly
On Friday, 7 June our School Hall was alive with the sounds of melodies and rhythms as students from various year levels showcased their musical talents. This much-anticipated event brought together students and parents for a celebration of musical artistry and hard work. I extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the performers new and experienced and a special thank you to Mrs Rose who coordinates the Instrumental Music program and to Miss Natalie Mandry our Music teacher who ran the performance on the afternoon. The choir is growing from strength to strength and their performance was melodic and tuneful, with the students really captivating the audience. The Music Performance Assembly was not just an exhibition of talent but also a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students and music tutors.
Catholic Performing Arts Festival
Miss Mandry is so proud of the choir’s consistent attendance and focus during their weekly rehearsals. It is wonderful to hear that the choir has grown to 50 regular members who are all putting in 100% to listen carefully to instructions and one another, which enhances their individual performances. I look forward with great anticipation to attend their performances at the Catholic Performing Arts Festival next term.
First Communion
A First Communion celebration is a significant milestone in the life of a young Catholic, marking their first reception of the Eucharist. Congratulations to our students who have already received the Sacrament this year and to those who will be making their First Communion this coming weekend. It is a joyous occasion and I offer our heartfelt congratulations to all the communicants and their families.
New Reversable School Hats
As of the start of Term 3, the uniform shop will be stocked with the new reversable school hats. As the need arises to replace your child’s current hat the new model will be available. If you choose to keep the current hat as a spare and purchase a new reversible option you are more than welcome, but this is not something that must be done immediately. The current hat will be phased out over the next couple of years, and we hope that all students will have the new reversible style for the start of the 2026, if not earlier.

Mater Dei Band Showcase
Once again, we are delighted to have the entertaining Mater Dei Band visit out school, on Wednesday, 19 June at 11:00am, for an exclusive performance. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students, staff and community members to experience live music from talented artists right here at Liwara. We look forward to sharing this musical extravaganza!
Interschool Cross Country
We are thrilled to announce that our annual Interschool Cross Country event is just around the corner and will be held on Friday, 21 June at Mawson Park. This event is a fantastic opportunity for our students to showcase their athletic skills, foster school spirit, and build camaraderie with peers from other schools. This event promises to be a day filled with excitement, competition, and community spirit. We look forward to seeing you there and cheering on our young athletes as they strive for the finish line!
Yr 5 Performance Assembly
Our Year 5 students have been working diligently to prepare a special performance on Friday, 14 June at 2:30pm and they are eager to share it with you. Your presence at this event will mean a lot to the students so we are hoping you can join us to celebrate the wonderful achievements of our Year 5 cohort.
Certificate Assembly
On Friday, 21 June, we invite you to attend our Certificate Assembly where we will recognise and celebrate the hard work and accomplishments of students over the past term. Certificates will be awarded for academic excellence, outstanding effort, and various other achievements. We encourage you to attend and support your child as they receive their well-deserved recognition.
Dance Showcase
On Monday, 24 June at 9:00am we are thrilled to present our Dance Showcase, where students will perform the routines they have been diligently practicing. This showcase promises to be an entertaining and inspiring display of our students’ creativity and dedication. We look forward to seeing the culmination of their efforts on stage. Please join us for these memorable events as your presence and support mean a great deal to our students and staff.
End of Term dates
Please note that Term Two concludes for students on Wednesday, 26 June. Thursday, 27 and Friday, 28 June are Pupil Free Days.

We are currently taking applications for Kindy 2026/2027, I urge you to contact our Enrolment Officer, as soon as possible, to discuss the enrolment process. I am currently meeting with future and current parents for our 2025 Kindy and Pre Kindy placements. Enrolment information and applications can be downloaded from our school website HERE or a paper copy can be collected from the school office.
Together We Thrive!
Mrs Andrea Millar

Sacrament of First Holy Communion
Congratulations to our sacrament candidates who made their first Holy Communion last weekend, and good luck to those attending masses to do so this coming weekend. A reminder to parents to please attend one of the parish masses on 22 or 23 June to receive certificates from the parish.
Interschool Cross Country Carnival
Congratulations to the top 6 performing children selected to represent Liwara Catholic Primary School at the upcoming Northern Independent Primary Schools Sports Association (NIPSSA) Interschool Cross Country Carnival. The carnival will be held at Mawson Park, Hillarys on Friday, 21 June 2024. Please see the Seesaw post from Mr Sanders for relevant information. We wish all competitors the best of luck on what is promised to be a great day.
Running Club
A huge “thank you” to Mr Sanders and the teachers who helped at Running Club every Tuesday and Thursday this term. Our students thrived in our Cross-Country carnival thanks to the extra practise and the community spirit on the oval each week has been lovely to see. The last Running Club for this term will take place on Thursday the 13 June 2024.
Certificate Assembly
Our last Certificate Assembly for the term will be held at 2:30pm in the Liwara Hall on Friday, 21 June. We welcome all families to attend.
Dancing Showcase
Our students have worked hard all term in their dance lessons with Miss Atkins from Footsteps Dance Company. We can’t wait to showcase their talent at 9:00am on Monday, 24 June in our Liwara Hall. Please note the oval will be open for extra parking. Please be vigilant with supervision at school arrival time and watch out for staff in their high vis attire who will be directing cars safely into parking bays. We anticipate the concert will run for a little less than an hour if all goes smoothly. All families are invited to attend this exciting event.
End of Term Mass
All families are invited to join us for our End of Term, Whole School Mass on Wednesday, 26 June at 9:00am in the All Saints Parish. The Mass will be led by Year 5. At the conclusion of Mass, our Liwara Trust Value Awards will be given out to one worthy recipient in each class.
Pupil Free Days
As part of our commitment to our Faith and Staff Evangelisation Plan, all staff will be attending a Religious Staff Retreat in Shoalwater on Thursday & Friday, 27 & 28 June. Students last day of term will therefore be Wednesday, 26 June. Have a safe, restful holiday and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday, 15 July.
Miss Angela Leddin & Mrs Jesseca Francis
Assistant Principals
In Term Two we are focusing on our school value of Trust. Each student is reminded of the different ways we can offer friendship to others. All classes have this poster up on display as a constant reminder.

TERM 2 - 15 April to 26 June 2024
TERM 3 - 15 July to 20 September 2024
TERM 4 - 8 October to 6 December 2024
Pupil Free Days & Public Holidays 2024:
- 27 June - Pupil Free Day
- 28 June - Pupil Free Day
- 2 September - Pupil Free Day
- 3 September - Pupil Free Day
- 7 October - Pupil Free Day
Week 10
15 June - Communion Mass @ 6.00pm
16 June - Communion Masses - 9.30am & 5.30pm
17 June - Dancing
19 June - Mater Dei Band Showcase @ 11.00am
19 June - School Tour @ 9.30am & 5.00pm
21 June - Interschool Cross Country
21 June - Certificate Assembly @ 2.30pm
22 June - Communion Certificate Mass @ 6.00pm
23 June - Communion Certificate Masses - All Masses
Week 11
24 June - Dance Showcase @ 9.00am
24 June - Kindy Screening
25 June - Kindy Screening
26 June - End of Term Mass Yr5 @ 9.00am
26 June - Last Day of Term 2
27 June - Pupil Free Day
28 June - Pupil Free Day
Holy Communion
Year 4 students have been preparing to receive their First Holy Communion. They participated in a retreat which was interactive and engaging and so much information about Jesus’ life was learnt.
This is what the children had to say:
‘I got to meet new people today.’
‘I enjoyed participating in the meal, eating bread and drinking juice’
‘I learnt that the Roman soldiers treated Jesus very badly’
‘I never knew what Jesus went through before he died.’
‘I learnt that Jesus survived some bad stuff for us.’
‘I learnt he gave his life for us’
‘That was a lot of fun’

All students are encouraged to return their borrowed books before school from 8.15am to go into the weekly raffle draw.
Library Days
Tuesday – Years 1 & 2
Wednesday – Years 3, 5 & 6
Thursday – Kindy, Pre-Primary & Year 4
Book Returns
If you have outstanding library books, they can be dropped into the main office.
Library Bags for Sale
The Liwara Craft Group have made Library bags. They are selling them for $10.00 a bag and all profits go towards the craft stall for the School Fair.
If you are interested in purchasing one or more of these beautiful bags, they can be purchased through Trybookings:
Bring your receipt to the Library and select a bag!

Mrs Clark
Just a reminder that we have available in the canteen
: Nuttelex Butter, a dairy and lactose free alternative
: Gluten Free bread.
Sorry we cannot change the ingredients in the sushi or on the focaccia toppings, as these items are delivered to us ready-made.
Have an enjoyable weekend and thank you for supporting the Liwara Canteen.

Deb & Adriana
The Uniform Shop is open Thursdays from 8.15am - 9am for all your uniform needs! Doors will not open outside of these hours.
Please refer to Principals information regarding the new reversable hats, available from Term 3.
JFE Details
Phone: 9204 1701
Email: saes@jfe.net.au


To read this week's P & F Newsletter, click here
Please see our current Try Bookings Form and Reimbursement Form below:
To keep up to date, head to our private Facebook page by clicking here.

7 Liwara Place
Greenwood, WA
Father Elver Delicano
Monday – Friday 6am & 9am
Saturdays 6pm
Sundays 7:30am, 9:30am & 5:30pm
Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am - 3pm
m: 0466604754
e: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au

Last week at 24:7 Greenwood we had an awesome night of games and fun as well as a super inspiring talk. We started our night with card games, board games and fellowship time before moving into our formal games before the talk for the night. We were super blessed to be joined by the amazing Paul Massad who shared with us all about Confession.
He shared with us about how the Sacrament of Reconciliation can be difficult but also why it is such a blessing for us and why it is so important for us to be able to grow closer to God.
Next week we will be wrapping out term theme, Defenders of the Faith, by having our Encounter night. We will also be having one of our volunteer leaders give his first youth group talk as he shares about his experience with the Sacraments. We will also be giving the young people the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during our reflection time on the night.

Dental Health Services
Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre
Greenwood Primary School | Merivale Way, Greenwood,Wa,6024
Ph: (08) 92035611 |

The Anglican Grace Chapel in Joondalup and St Vincent De Paul Northern Conferences jointly open a drop-in centre for the homeless and disadvantaged each Monday and Friday at the Grace Chapel. Volunteers offer and serve a heated meal, tea and coffee and hampers of donated food for the guests.
More volunteers are desperately needed. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Peter on 0491 048 207 or email: ryansite@tpg.com.au.

School Holiday Athletics Clinic for boys and girls aged 8 to 16 years. Tuesday 9th & Wednesday 10th of July 2024. WA Athletics Stadium. 8.30am-3pm. $120 per day. Or $230 for both days. Includes a personised certificate. Choose ANY 4 events per day. More Info: http://sprintingfast.com/

We are now accepting Pre Kindy - Year 6 enrolments for 2025, 2026 & beyond. Please contact the school if you have any questions on 6224 2000 or via email: enquiries@liwara.wa.edu.au for more information.