Our Leadership Team
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Welcome to Week 10 of Term 3! We are so close to the end of the term which finishes on Thursday 24 September for the students and Friday 25 for the staff. This year is definitely flying!
Excitement is building ahead of our Faction Athletics Carnival on Wednesday 23 September. Most pre-carnival events (throws, jumps, team games, long distance) are now complete and attention is turning to Wednesday's events. A huge thank you to Mr Dols for all the behind the scenes work he has been involved in to make this carnival as successful as possible, with the current restrictions in place. He has been keeping the community informed about how the day will be organised and I ask you to respect our request that all family members keep strictly behind the bunting. There will be two mobile toilets stationed on the oval, provided for all community members attending the carnival with hand washing facilities. There will also be hand sanitiser available near the Sausage Sizzle cooking area.
Hopefully all those attending will be enticed by the mouthwatering aroma of cooking onions and gourmet sausages, available with contact-less payment on the day. We are hoping to have the barbecue running early so we have food available close to 9.00am as possible, for a tasty brunch. All funds raised from the sausage sizzle will be going to the P&F.
FOOTSTEPS SHOWCASE We have been extremely fortunate that Footsteps Dance Company were able to still provide the dance lessons for our students this year, at all times adhering strictly to COVID-19 restrictions. The PP - Year 5 Showcase will go ahead as planned but just in a slightly different format. As we must abide by the COVID safety measures class teachers will be recording the students dance routines and uploading them to individual class Seesaw pages for family members to enjoy and watch over and over again! I thank you for your support and understanding as we are trying our very best to keep community events alive, just in a different format, whilst ensuring the safety of our students and staff.
PRE KINDY SURVEY I would like to ask you, as our current parent body, to complete the 3 minute survey attached to the Fee Subsidised Pre-Kindy Survey flyer. To get your thoughts and feedback, even if the survey will not impact on your family, it will assist our decision making and give us the information to support our application to the Education and Care Regulatory Unit (ECRU). Fee Subsidised Pre-Kindy Survey
ONLINE LEARNING JOURNEY Thank you to our students and teachers for all the additional work that has been necessary to be able to hold our Learning Journey this year, regardless of the health and safety restrictions in place. Thank you to the parents who have emailed the school for your beautiful words of gratitude and support as you are aware of how challenging and time consuming an event like this has been.
CLASS REQUESTS If parents have a reasonable and valid request for a class placement, which could benefit their child's learning, please have this in via email, attention The Principal, to enquiries@liwara.wa.edu.au by the end of Week 1 Term 4, Friday 16 October. The enormous amount of factors that have to be considered by teachers when assigning students to a class is sometimes not fully understood. Teachers spend a lot of time as there needs to be a semi-equal distribution of students by gender, achievement levels and behavioural concerns and balancing all three of these factors, simultaneously, is no small feat. Therefore, any requests that come in after this date will not be considered.
Wishing you God's blessings.
Andrea Millar

From The Assistant Principals' Desk
Congratulations to all the Year 3 students who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Saturday 12th September. May they forever maintain their relationship with Jesus through their participation in this Sacrament into the future.
Whole School Mass
There will be a whole School Mass held on Thursday 24 September at 11am to celebrate the end of Term and Mercy Day. Due to Physical Distancing requirements, only the students will be permitted to attend, other than those parents of the Values Awards Recipients, who will have been notified and invited.
Mercy Day
Our founding Principal, Sr Leonie, is a member of the Sisters of Mercy. Mercy Day is on Thursday 24th September and we will be celebrating with some special buddy activities which will be displayed on the windows of the Ahern Centre.
First Holy Communion
We remember in our prayers our Year 4 students who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time early next term.

Merit Certificates
Week 9 - 18 September 2020
PPG Shaun Colley & Lucienne Genillard
PPR Paul Le Blanc & Joshua Kerby
1G Spencer White & Elijah Stevenson
1R Sophia Marshall-Silveira & Violet McGuire
2G Holly Style
2R Emily Perkins & Leo Musca
3G Santiago Caloiero & Nikolas Csejtei
3R Charli Slevin & Luke Healy
4G Henri Killian & Mattia Muscuso
4R Mia Willoughby & Alex Gunner
5G Caleb Reiger, Florence Wilson, Flynn Williams & Stephanie Finlay
5R Jake Temov , Luke Rose & Samuel O'Brien
6G Amalia Sequeira
6R Sebastian Pope
Athletics Carnival
Liwara Athletics Carnival
Liwara Athletics Carnival
Weather permitting this year’s Athletics Carnival will go ahead on the scheduled date of Wednesday 23rd September in a Covid-modified format.
Parents are invited to attend but will have restricted access to the oval area where the students will be. Parents will not be allowed onto the track or playground area at any stage of the day. The carpark side of the oval will be available for set-up and viewing events and, to make viewing easier, the main straight of the track will be located on the same side as the parent area. As parents/grandparents will not have access to the school facilities, portaloos will be provided. A coffee van will also be on site for this event.
Parents are asked to comply with current physical distancing expectations at all times.
Although some inconvenience may be experienced in this case, we wish to stress that these changes have been made to our Carnival on the basis of ensuring continued student safety and public social distancing expectations.
Track events results
Congratulations to these students on their success in the 400m and 800m events for Years 3 to 6, held in Physical Education lessons this term.
400m | 800m | |||||
Year 3 Boys | ||||||
1st | Blake Bialy | |||||
2nd | Kynan Magorian | |||||
3rd | Daniel Kerby | |||||
4th | Ashton Burrell | |||||
Year 3 Girls | ||||||
1st | Aiza Torkington | |||||
2nd | Molly O’Brien | |||||
3rd | Sophia LeBlanc | |||||
4th | Tayla Scott | |||||
Year 4 Boys | ||||||
1st | Matthew Staniforth | Matthew Staniforth | ||||
2nd | Mattia Muscuso | Mattia Muscuso | ||||
3rd | Harry Jones | Flynn Hayter | ||||
4th | Joshua Schafer | Kai Rose | ||||
Year 4 Girls | ||||||
1st | Edyn Conroy | Edyn Conroy | ||||
2nd | Abigail Allison | Abigail Allison | ||||
3rd | Ella White | Katie Walsh | ||||
4th | Sorca Oldham | Sophie Moala | ||||
Year 5 boys | ||||||
1st | Sam O’Brien | Sam O’Brien | ||||
2nd | Campbell Bishop | Campbell Bishop | ||||
3rd | Ryan Taylor | Elijah Lopresti | ||||
4th | Caiden Burrell | Caiden Burrell | ||||
Year 5 - Girls | ||||||
1st | Mia Host | Mackenzie Gilford | ||||
2nd | Charlotte Candeias | Mia Host | ||||
3rd | Caitlin Portwood | Charlotte Candeias | ||||
4th | Kaitlyn Frediani | Ashleigh Thorsen | ||||
Year 6 - Boys | ||||||
1st | Oliver Clark | Oliver Clark | ||||
2nd | Harrison Gilford | Ali Muir | ||||
3rd | Ali Muir | Harrison Gilford | ||||
4th | Darcy Bastow | Tyler Pires | ||||
Year 6 - Girls | ||||||
1st | Zadie Torkington | Zadie Torkington | ||||
2nd | Sophie Traegar | Ruby Hodge | ||||
3rd | Scarlett Holton | Samantha Millington | ||||
4th | Ruby Hodge | Jaime Sadlo/Emily White | ||||
Carnival Progress Scores
With all Field and Team Game events complete, the current Factions scores are:
Boree (Red) - 375 pts
Aroona (Blue) - 442pts
Teangi (Green) - 381 pts
Rawlinna (Yellow) - 273 pts

Important Dates
Please refer to the school calendar on this website for more information
20th September - 26th September - Term 3 Week 10
Sunday - Reconciliation Certificate Masses
Monday - School Prayer - Year 2 & Year 6 Confirmation Retreat
Tuesday -
Wednesday - Athletics Carnival
Thursday - Mercy Day, End of Term Mass & Footsteps Dance Showcase - PP - Year 5
Friday - Pupil Free Day
Saturday - Reconciliation Certificate Mass
27th September - 3 October September -
Sunday -
Monday - School Holidays
Tuesday - School Holidays
Wednesday - School Holidays
Thursday - School Holidays
Friday - School Holidays
Saturday -
Our Classroom News
News from Year 1
Working in groups can be so much fun!! We have our friends with us to help if we get stuck or to share our amazing ideas with. In Reading Groups we work on our Reading Eggs, work on sentence writing and practice our phonics on Seesaw. Mrs Shilkin and Mrs Carberry work with us to help improve our reading strategies and comprehension.
In our Math Groups we use lots of materials to help us learn adding, subtracting and lots of other concepts. We love playing Math games to practice our skills in counting, money, telling the time and many other things.
Who knew learning could be so much fun!

Library News
Fun in the Library
The children always enjoy 'acting out' stories and the story 'My Friend Fred' by Frances Watts was a huge hit. So much so that a degree of 'poetic license' was used with the introduction of another character named Frederica.........
The children thoroughly enjoyed acting out the many 'doggie' antics as described in the book. Here are two Year 3 students howling at the moon.
CBCA BOOK WEEK 2020 - October 17-23
This year we will be holding our Book Week parade on Thursday October 22nd. Children are encouraged to come to school on that day dressed as their favourite book character. Staff are busy planning their special book character outfits and the children may even see a Britney & Whitney on the day.
More parade details will be circulated in Term 4.
Sustainability Wrap
What a wonderful term of sustainability at Liwara. Our students have been actively involved in good works. These include recycling, harvesting vegetables, feeding our worm farm and collecting liquid worm tea for the vegetable gardens, sowing and planting new crops, weeding and lawnmowing with our push lawnmower, just to name a few. Already we have planted corn and heirloom cherry tomato seedlings and our worm tea, as well as the warmer weather, is helping them to grow even more vigorously. We look forward to cultivating our gardens beds more during Term Four and sharing the fruits of our labour with our school canteen. We also look forward to putting compost around our garden beds to slow evaporation.
Have you and your family ever thought about composting? Here’s a great link that shows you how.

Handy hints for Sustainability
This week’s handy hint for our Liwara parents is to “Make sure landfill is the last resort”. As recently advertised on the WasteWise Facebook page, this motto encourages us all to be better stewards of the earth, thinking globally and acting locally. Parents, during the coming school holiday period, you and your children can help our school by continuing to actively recycle, making landfill the last resort! We encourage you and your children to collect Type 1 (PET) and Type 2 (HDPE) cleaned plastic bottles and aluminium cans for our Greenbatch collection, to collect any spent pens and markers for recycling by our school at Officeworks, to drop your clean soft plastics into the redcycle bin at Coles or Woolworths, as well as saving spent batteries such as those shown below that we recycle in the school office. Please send your recycling bundles back to school with your children in the first week of Term Four. Working hard together we can all “Make sure landfill is the last resort”.
Let’s all keep working hard together with recycling! Have another wonderful week Liwara!
Outside School Hours Care News
Vacation Care
Our Vacation Care program begins with a 'French Fashion & Food Day' on Friday for the Pupil Free Day.
Other vacation care activities include -
- Magic Palooza
- Silent Disco
- Ninja Warrior Bouncy Castle
- Messy Play Day
- Royal Show Day
- Book Character Come to Life
- Art Extravaganza
- Tricky Trivia Day
- BYO Wheels Day
- Pyjama and Movie Day
Canteen News
We have a NEW canteen menu available. Click on this link to view or save -
Can You Spare Half An Hour?
We would love your help. The students love seeing their parents at the counter at recess time (10.40am).
You are also welcome to choose a time to suit your day. Even half an hour at 9am to organise the lunch bags is a great help.
Please call us - 9448 3811 Extension 5
Deb & Cathy

School holidays are fast approaching and it's now time to book a free HelpingMinds workshop for your kids!
Each workshop is filled with fun and exciting activities designed for children who are at risk of developing a mental health issue or supporting a family member or friend with mental health challenges. Click on the workshop in your area to find out more.
Perth Metro Area Workshops
Rockingham - Ages 8-12
Baldivis - Ages 8-12
Canning Vale - Ages 8-12
North Beach - Ages 8-15
Midland - Ages 8-15
Ellenbrook - Ages 8-15
Perth - Ages 8-12
Places are limited and bookings are essential. To register, or for more information, visit our website or call us on 9427 7100

MercyCare is a not for profit, catholic provider of services and we are trying to raise the profile of services in the community that aim to keep people over 65yrs living at home for longer. These services are government funded and assist individual’s in their own home with services such as transport, meals, gardening, domestic assistance etc.

Parents & Friends News
All Saints' Parish News
All Saints' Catholic Church
ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024
TELEPHONE: 9447 6225 FAX: 9246 2692
MOB: 0435 173 454 (for URGENT pastoral needs only)
EMAIL: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au
& Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm
MASSES: Monday – Friday 9.00am
Saturday – 9.00am & Vigil -6.00pm
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am & 5.30pm
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)
Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am &
5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Would you like to find out more about the Catholic Faith?
We are here to answer your questions, help you to find as much information as possible, and guide you through the process to receive the sacraments and become a Catholic if that’s what you desire.
Sessions are aimed at
- Adults from non-Christian backgrounds;
- Adult Christians from other Christian faiths;
- Adult baptised Catholics who have not received the Sacraments of Confirmation and
Eucharist, or want to refresh their knowledge and understanding.
Come along and find out what the Church has to offer. We commence shortly.
For further information, please contact the Parish Office (Mon, Wed and Fri 10am—3pm) on 0466 604 754
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry - 6th September
Youth Group Goal - To explain what Mercy and Justice is and how it relates to our lives.
Goal Status -
This was achieved as we had a talk from one of our leaders as well as a video which explained what the difference was and how we can use the two in our lives.
Youth Group Attendance - 13
Youth Group Talk / Focus - Sin Part 3: Justice and Mercy-Nicki
- In the Old Testament, there is a lot of Justice, meaning that when something bad happened people had to make up for it or suffered the consequences of it.
- In the New Testament, we are now called to show Mercy, which is a step further than Justice and looks at showing kindness and compassion to everyone, even those who may not deserve it.
- God shows us Mercy all the time, through the mass, sacraments and the biggest way of all was by Him giving His Son to die for our sins so that we can now be with Him in heaven. However, if we don’t accept His mercy during our times on earth, we will receive his justice at the end of our lives.
Next Youth Group Theme - Brotherhood and Sisterhood
Last Week’s Non-Youth Group Ministry Activities / Mass
On Monday the 7th of September, we had the privilege of running the Year 3 Reconciliation Retreat at Liwara Catholic Primary School. It was a great day and we can’t wait for the year 6 Confirmation Retreat in a few weeks’ time.
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry - 13th September
Youth Group Goal- To explain the importance of brotherhood and sisterhood in the lives of the youth.
Goal Status-
This was achieved as we had a talk from our youth minsters of their own experience and reasons why they find brotherhood and sisterhood important and how it has helped their lives.
Youth Group Attendance- 14
Youth Group Talk / Focus -
Brotherhood and Sisterhood-Anthony and Georgia
- Brotherhood and sisterhood are important in our lives as they are support structures for us to help us through our spiritual journey and can help guide us along in our lives.
- It is important to find brotherhood and sisterhood groups as they are safe havens for us to figure out problems in our lives and to be a place of safety from the turmoil of the world.
- They are normally kept separate but when a strong brotherhood and sisterhood come together, they are a force to be reckoned with.
Next Youth Group Theme- Saints
Parish/Newsletter Promotion
24:7 Greenwood Youth Group - 30th August
For all youth in Years 6-12
Every Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Church meeting room
Call Anthony on 0455 108 885 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information
God bless,
Anthony and Georgia
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers
Archdiocesan Newsletter
The Record
To view this newsletter click on the link below.
To view this newsletter click on the link below.