prayer week 31

Our Leadership Team

From The Principal's Desk

Dear Families 

Thank you for the important role you play each year to ensure that partnerships with our whole community have been established to strengthen the links between our school and the home. The Whole School Mass to welcome the year, the New Parents Sundowner and the Parent Information Evening, the P&F Camp Night are just a few examples to demonstrate this involvement.  We are also appreciative of the parents who are already helping out in so many capacities, in the classroom, assisting in the canteen, organising the New Parent Sundowner and the Class Representatives who are gathering the parents together in each year level.  Research shows that participation, assistance and the support of parents greatly enhances outcomes for students of all ages.   

Our first Parents & Friends meeting, held on Monday 10 February, was the beginning of another year of parents giving of their time and talents by sharing thoughts and ideas.  The large group that gathered will be assisting the P&F Executive in their endeavours this year.  The Liwara P&F has always been a strength, with outstanding commitment to the goals and aspirations of the school.  They work effectively and collaboratively with the Principal and staff to achieve these objectives each year and there is an acknowledged relationship between the child, the school and home life.  Where harmonious relationships and partnerships exist the benefits are many for children’s development.  

Our 2020 Parents and Friends Executive

President: Sam Lane                                   Vice President: Davide Trevisan-Singh
Secretary - Lyndal Marron                          Assistant Secretary - Sarah Musca
Treasurer - Angela Ford                              Assistant Treasurer - Kerrie Serrano


Our first Board meeting was held on Tuesday 19 February where the Board members regrouped for the new year.  We warmly welcomed our two newly elected members, Mr Michael Nemere and Mr Simon Stevenson to the group.  Our goal for the 2020 school year is to work cooperatively and constructively, always aware of the responsibilities given to us to make decisions that are sincere and beneficial to the Liwara Catholic School Community.  We prayed together and in the silence of our hearts we asked the help of the Lord to carry out with dignity and devotion our personal responsibilities at every meeting.

Our School Board 2020

Chair- Mr Basil Manganaro                     Vice Chair -Mrs Nikola McVay

Treasurer - Mrs Clare Combe                  Secretary - Mr Paul O'Brien

New Board members in 2020-                Mr Michael Nemere & Mr Simon Stevenson

Parish Priest - Fr Elver Delicano             P&F Representative - Mrs Amy Styles

Parish Council Representative - Mr John Fernandez


New Bike Racks

A message from our bike riders: “A big thank you to our P&F for raising funds for a second bike rack.  Now we all have a space to park our bikes safely.  Mr Dols gave us a good tip today: ...park your bike in backwards as this will stop your bike from falling over….”  

  • The more children who ride or walk to school, the fewer cars there will be on the roads and the less traffic congestion there will be around our school.
  • Students who actively travel, arrive awake and alert, improving their concentration, recall and ability to understand the material being taught.
  • Physically active students are healthier, happier and more socially connected.
  • Bike riding is a pollution free mode of transport.
  • Encourages independence and builds confidence.
bike racks

From The Assistant Principals' Desk

Family Mass 

The first of the Liwara Family Masses for 2020 will be on this Sunday, 23rd February in the All Saints Church commencing at 9.30am. We would love to see as many school families there as possible.  

Ash Wednesday 

This coming Wednesday, 26th February, is Ash Wednesday and the commencement of Lent. All students from Year 1 to Year Five will be attending the Parish Mass at 9am and will be receiving the Ashes. Pre-Primary students will receive the ashes in class after Mass. All are welcome to attend. Year Six will be having a Liturgy of the Word and distribution of ashes on camp. 

Caritas Project Compassion 

During Lent, Liwara will be supporting the fundraising efforts of Caritas through its Project Compassion program. Each family in the school will be receiving a Project Compassion collection box into which donations can be made. Each class will have their own collection box as well. At the end of Lent, these boxes will be collected and the proceeds forwarded to Caritas for distribution to those less fortunate. Please make this a focus in your family during this time. 

Certificate Assembly 

There will be a Certificate Assembly held this Friday 21st February starting at 2:30pm in the Ahern Centre. All are welcome to attend. 

Sacrament Enrolment Weekend 

Enrolment for any child receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Yr. 3), First Holy Communion (Yr. 4) or Confirmation (Yr. 6) are asked to attend a Parish Mass on the Weekend of March 7/8 to enrol for a Sacrament. Mass times are Saturday 6.00pm, Sunday 7.30am, 9.30am and 5.30pm. It is imperative that you enrol with the Parish for these Sacraments. 

Theology of Sacrament Parent Meeting 

The Theology of Sacrament Parent Meeting for any parent whose child is receiving a sacrament this year (Years 3, 4 & 6) will be held on Tuesday 10th March in the Ahern Centre commencing at 7pm. This year’s presenter will be Dr Karl Brown. Please make every effort to attend this very informative meeting. 

School Photography 

School individual, class and group portraits will be taken on Tuesday 3rd March and Wednesday 4th March in the Ahern Centre. Students are expected to wear the Liwara Summer Uniform. Forms containing Personalised Shootkeys were distributed to each child earlier in the week enabling online orders to be made. Envelopes for ordering Family Portraits can be obtained from the School Administration/Office. Please see the schedule below for approximate photo times.

Tues 3rd March    Wed 4th March 
8.00  Staff  8.00  Family Photos (M-Z) 
8.10  Family Photos (A-L)   
9.00  OSHC 
9.10  KR  9.10  2R 
9.30  KG  9.30  2G 
9.50  PPR  9.50  3G 
10.10  PPG  10.10  3R 
Recess  Recess 
11.00  5G  11.00  4G 
11.20  5R  11.20  4R 
11.40  1G  11.40  Junior choir 
12.00  1R  12.00  Senior choir 
12.20  6G  12.20  Rock Band 
12.40        Lunch  12.40  Lunch 
1.30  6R  1.20pm  Netball team photos (6) 
1.50  Graduation     

Swimming Carnival 

The Liwara Swimming Carnival for all Year 4, 5 and 6 students will be held on Thursday 12th March at HBF Arena, Kennedya Drive, Joondalup commencing at around 9.20am. Entry for spectators is $2.60, payable at the gate. Students will need to be at school by 8.30am as buses leave promptly on the bell at 8.40am. Further details will be forwarded to relevant classes soon. 

Year Six Camp 

We would like to wish all the Year 6 students and staff the very best for their upcoming Camp at the Bickley Outdoor Recreation Camp next week. 

Important Dates

23rd - 29th February - Week 4

Sunday - Family Mass

Monday -

Tuesday - Year 6 Camp

Wednesday - Ash Wednesday & Year 6 Camp

Thursday - Year 6 Camp

Friday - Year 6 Camp

Saturday -

1st - 7th March - Week 5

Sunday -

Monday - Labour Day Public Holiday

Tuesday - School Photos

Wednesday - School Photos & P&F Guest Speaker

Thursday -

Friday - Year 5 Camp & Certificate Assembly

Saturday - Sacramental Enrolment Mass

Our Classroom News

From Year 1 Green & Red

Wow…what an amazing start to the year for us in Year One!! The excitement about coming to school started way before the beginning of the year with Santa bringing us new things for school. We were all very excited about wearing our new snazzy uniforms and our new shiny shoes!

When we got here on the first day, we had to put our things away in the right places. Our water bottle goes on the trolley. Our Crunch and Sip goes in our tub along with our homework folder. SO much to remember. We have been learning to do our best listening on the mat and all the things we need to do to be in the ‘Green Zone’. 

Ahhh the pressure!!!

But we all agree that the best new thing this year is being able to go to the canteen!! 

year 1 1



It has been another fantastic week in sustainability at Liwara. Thanks to everyone who continues to use our Greenbatch bins. Greenbatch are sending us new bin liners this week and we should be able to begin stockpiling our bags of recycling as we eagerly await the start of the recycling credit scheme. Please keep bringing in your rinsed Type 1 and 2 plastics and aluminium cans for our Greenbatch recycling, and you needn’t remove the caps from milk and juice bottles because the separator at Greenbatch does that for you! 

Handy hints for Sustainability 

If you and your Liwara family want to live more sustainably in 2020, here is one of the things you can do. This week’s tip is to “Reduce your food waste”. Lots of our Liwara families are already doing this by carefully planning their meals, shopping smarter, cooking waste-free where possible and storing food correctly. Practices like these are guaranteed to reduce your family’s food waste footprint and save money. Shopping smart can be something as simple as buying seasonal fruit and vegetables and making sure that you use them. 

Have a wonderful week and keep living sustainably because together we make our world a better place! 


Parents & Friends News

Community Information


Welcome back to the new School Year. I hope you all enjoyed a safe restful holiday. My name is Sally Steffanoni and I am the Liwara Primary School Community Nurse. Community Health Nurses are primarily involved in early detection of health concerns and promotion of health and wellbeing for children and their families. All children are offered a School Entry Health assessment during their Kindergarten Year. This includes a vision and hearing screen, BMI , dental check and if indicated speech, language and a general developmental assessment. I am also able to do health assessments, vision and hearing on any other student that parents are concerned about. Parents will need to fill in a consent form available from administration.  

I also work with teachers to support health education sessions. I am available to provide information, advocacy and support to students (and their families) to help them make informed decisions about their health, wellbeing and development and if required refer students to another health professional.
As I am the Community Health Nurse for several Schools I don’t have a consistent day I will be on site at Liwara Primary School. However I can be contacted on 0414896506 or email on I am available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any request for information or concerns.  

Sally Steffanoni
Community Health Nurse. 


Welcome to new families, very soon enrolment forms will be issued to each family. Please take the time to read the information provided before completing forms.

Return the completed forms to either your school office or post it to Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre as soon as possible.

Please attach to a separate piece of paper the names and year level of older siblings already enrolled at a Dental Therapy Centre as unfortunately with the new forms this information has been omitted.

Kind Regards
Janet & Cath


Tuesday 17 March – 9.00am

Tour lasts for approximately 1 hour and is followed by morning tea with our Principal Mrs Julie Hornby and our Head of Year Seven, Mr Anthony Davies.

To register, please phone our Enrolments & Marketing Officer Ms Lee-Ann Ottenhof on 9247 9223.

mercy college

All Saints' Parish News

All Saints Parish1

24:7 Greenwood Youth Group

Youth Group Goal 

  1. For the youth to reconnect together after the summer holidays.  

Goal Status 

  1. This goal was achieved as throughout the night as we had team challenges that brought the youth together as well as having the opportunity to reconnect with each other during the free time.  

Youth Group Attendance - 26


Youth Group Talk/Focus 

We had an Amazing Race to welcome back the youth and make for an exciting start to the year. 

Next Youth Group Theme 

Introduction to the Sacraments 

Last Week’s Non-Youth Group Ministry Activities / Mass 

We had our leaders’ Commissioning Mass at last Sunday's 9:30am Mass  

Parish/Newsletter Promotion 

24:7 Greenwood Youth Group   

For all youth in Years 6-12   

Every Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Ahern Centre in Liwara primary school   

Coming Up: Baptism beach night! 

Call Anthony on 0481 737 771 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information   

God bless, 
Anthony and Georgia
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers 


Uniform Shop1