Our Leadership Team
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
We have achieved great things this week and the flow of energy around the school has been uplifting. We began with our Family Mass on Sunday 16 May which also included the First Eucharist Commitment by our parents and caregivers. This was followed by the Mother’s Day Event on the school oval. I hope you enjoyed a snapshot of the morning shared on our school Facebook page. The staff were extremely generous with their time and talents and provided a wonderful spread for our mums, grandmothers and significant others. They arrived on site early on Sunday morning to get everything set up so the families could move down straight after Mass. A huge thank you to everyone who was involved in the preparation and participation.
Wednesday was a very busy day for our students. The children all arrived at school looking wonderful and really captured the theme of ‘Space’ for the National Simultaneous Storytime experience. National Simultaneous Storytime is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association. Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. No in its 21st successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children’s book that explores age-appropriate themes, and addresses key learning areas of the National Curriculum for Foundation to Year 6. By facilitating NSS at Liwara we aim to:
- promote the value of reading and literacy,
- promote the value and fun of books,
- promote an Australian writer and publisher,
- and provide opportunities for our students to participate in and enjoy the occasion.
Year Six Students enjoyed Matilda the Musical
On Wednesday, our Year 6 students were invited to attend the final dress rehearsal of the musical Matilda, performed by the talented students of Mater Dei College, at the Allan Shaw Centre at Peter Moyes Anglican School in Mindarie. I was just as excited as our students, as Roald Dahl is my favourite children’s author! The production was extremely well presented and our students had a wonderful time.
A message from Mater Dei “We are so excited to announce that our rescheduled dates for Matilda the Musical are: May 19 - May 22.
There are still a few tickets left which can be booked here: https://www.trybooking.com/691123
Roald Dahl’s children’s novel Matilda was first published in 1988 with illustrations by Quentin Blake. It is the story of a very bright and rebellious little girl, with special powers. Matilda’s parents, Mr and Mrs Wormwood, have no time for her and treat her as a nuisance. She spends most of her time reading books from the library astonishingly quickly, whilst they watch the telly and Mr Wormwood sells dodgy used cars. At school things are no better as despite the care and support of her teacher, the lovely Miss Honey, Matilda has to contend with the terrifying headmistress Miss Trunchbull who rules the school with cruelty and fear. Matilda fights against the injustices at home and at school. Eventually she decides the grown-ups should be taught a lesson and in the process discovers her supernatural powers.”
Year Six Publicity Ministry - 89.7fm ‘School Of Thought’
Wednesday 19 for some of our Year 6 students was extra busy as after enjoying most of Matilda the Musical, I took the Publicity Ministry to the 89.7FM Twin Cities Recording Studio at Edith Cowan University in Joondalup. It was the students first experience of entering a ‘real’ recording studio where they were invited to share their opinions on self-selected topics. The School Of Thought program is a brainchild of Councillor John Logan, who is a member of our All Saints Parish, who presents the program each week with aspiring students from chosen northern suburb schools. He spends time with them at school, prior to the recording and then allows them free reign over the airwaves for one hour to chat over many and varied subjects they are passionate about. Liwara is one of John’s specially selected schools and each year our Year Six students are given this opportunity.
Liwara School Community Survey
A link to the 'Liwara School Community Survey' will be sent to all parents and caregivers via Seesaw this week and I ask that you put a few minutes aside to complete it. Maintaining strong and effective family-school partnerships are critical and a core priority for the school leadership. Therefore the school leadership, in collaboration with the Advisory Council, have formulated a list of questions to get constructive feedback and understand how to best serve the students, parents, caregivers and the wider Liwara community. We appreciate you taking a few moments to complete the survey.
WEEK FIVE ARTICLE Good mental health for children 3 – 8 years
Key points
- Good mental health helps children develop socially, emotionally, mentally and physically.
- Loving relationships are key to children’s mental health.
- Learning to manage feelings is important to mental health.
- Physical activity and healthy eating habits are good for children’s mental health.
Mitchell Freeway Southbound Upgrade – Hester Avenue to Warwick Road
Mitchell Freeway southbound is getting an upgrade to help ‘bust’ congestion and improve safety… The Transforming Perth’s Freeways strategic program has been created to improve freeway capacity and enable better use of existing infrastructure. Freeway widening – A third southbound land is being added from Hodges Drive to Hepburn Avenue. An extra lane will be built from Hepburn Avenue entry ramp to Warwick Road exit ramp, to provide a safe distance for motorists to enter or exit the freeway. As part of the works, Main Roads will be developing a Principle Shared Pathway to be shared by cyclists and pedestrians, which will run adjacent to the school freeway fence line. Main Roads are trying to keep this development in the road reserve as much as possible, but there could be minor impacts on the school land. Over the past 18 months I have been meeting with representatives from Main Roads, CEWA Capital Consultants, a representative from Santelli Architects and the Director of Barnao Property, who represent the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth, to discuss the impacts on our school site. Once Main Roads have confirmed any adjustment to property boundaries we will be working with them as they take care of the relocation of any services so that our school community is impacted in the least possible way. I will keep the community informed as things develop. I have attached a project update below with links for more information.
Works are set to start on the Smart Freeway Mitchell Southbound Project
You may be aware that this suite of works has been combined with the Mitchell Freeway Southbound Upgrade: Hodges Drive to Hepburn Avenue project. A key benefit, is the expected completion of all works on the Mitchell Freeway southbound, by late 2023.
Among many other items, the project will include:
- A third southbound lane from Hodges Drive to Hepburn Avenue (along the freeway median).
- Introduction of Smart Technologies at freeway entry ramps from Hester Avenue to Warwick Road.
- An extra lane from Hepburn Avenue entry ramp to Warwick Road exit ramp.
- New and upgraded shared paths between Ocean Reef Road and Warwick Station.
You can read more here in the latest Project Update.
You can also visit our project webpage for more information. Whilst you're there, please subscribe for updates so that you receive the latest information on a regular basis - and encourage your neighbours to do the same!
If your property is adjacent to an area receiving a noise wall, you will be contacted by the project team soon.
Liwara Facebook Page: If you aren’t yet following our Liwara Facebook page please do. The more ‘likes’ the greater our reach to the community, showcasing and advertising our wonderful community and sharing the exciting learning happening in our school. Please share with your family members! It’s a great way to keep grandparents and extended family members up to date with what is happening at school. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LiwaraCPS
KINDY & PRE KINDY 2022/2023 I have begun the Kindy 2022 interview process and I urge you to contact the office if you have a child who is eligible to attend Kindy in 2022/23 and who has not yet been enrolled. The numbers are filling so it is imperative you contact the office, immediately, if you have not enrolled your child for Kindy 2022. We have also been calling for Pre Kindy 2022 enrolments so if you have a child who will be eligible for Pre Kindy 2022 contact Karen Rosser, our Enrolment Officer.
Wishing you God’s blessings
Mrs Andrea Millar
From The Assistant Principals' Desk
Parish Mass
Each term Years 1-6 select a Parish Mass they wish to attend. This attendance provides students and staff with an extra opportunity to attend Mass and strengthens the link our school has with the All Saints Parish.
Whole School Prayer
Our next Whole School Prayer will be led by Year 2 on Monday 31 May in the All Saints Church commencing at 2:40pm. Parents are welcome to attend.
LifeLink Day
The 2021 LifeLink Day will be launched on Wednesday 2nd June. Mr Dols will be attending with some Year 6 students to represent our school. LifeLink provides for the ongoing financial and promotional support of agencies established or assisted by the Church. These agencies deliver professional services and caring support to thousands of people in need throughout Western Australia each year.
From Kindy
The Kindy classes are learning about stories from the Bible relating to water. In Kindy Green we have read ‘Noah’s Ark’. Have a look at our photos of our class building a real-life ark and creating our own pop stick ark. In Kindy Red we read ‘Jesus Cast the Net’ and ‘Jesus Calms The Storm’ so have a look at the fish we made inside Peter’s net and our boat pictures of Jesus calming the storm.
On the topic of water, we have explored rivers, oceans, rain and the water process. Our learning experiences have involved lots of oral language discussions about going to the beach, camping by a river, what is a wave, making rain clouds in jars and going on a bear hunt.

Year 6 - 'Scribe Tribe'
We love to write and our focus is to find those Spirit of Jesus (S.O.J) and God moments and share them with our community. Once you pay attention, those moments appear daily!
This week’s segment features our Year 6 camp experiences…
In week 3, Year 6 went on camp! They went on exciting activities and adventurous exploring, and when night came, they were so tired from the fun activities, but they kept on going until bedtime. I loved how in every activity there was a source of teamwork and friendship, and maybe some competitive activities too. In the team building games we had to help each other and work together. Some of the activities could help you when you were in a problem like, raft building and hut building. A Spirit of Jesus moment for me was when l saw everyone trying their best to help others and people were smiling and cheering others on even if they lost. l saw that most in the Team building where we had to help each other with activities. The best part about camp were the people trying their best to make it happen, and the part that the teachers were so kind to take us to a place where we could learn to trust each other and make more friends. The nature around us, the bushes, the animals, and the kookaburra that always came to visit when we were there, were amazing! It was such a great opportunity to go to camp and l hope it has taught me a lot more about nature, teamwork, and friendship! -- Natalia
As I trudged through the bush, hauling a massive stick on my shoulder behind me, I saw the all the teams working hard to strengthen their teamwork and build their hut. I hurried along the rocky, muddy path, to get back to my group to help put up to pointy, crooked sticks, as shelter, and grass tree leaves on the ground as flooring. When time was up, we tiredly stepped back from our masterpiece and waited for the teacher to come over and judge the hut. When she announced the winner to the group, everyone went over to congratulate the winning team and their hardworking. -- Marcella
The hard rain tickled onto the muddy ground, and we avoided stepping in the particularly sloppy puddles. I was called for my turn on the zipline, so I attached the metal carabiner onto my heavy harness. I shivered as I walked up the shaky ladder, drenched. At last, I reached the top rung and got to the top of the platform. From amazing view, I could clearly see the people who were helping with moving the ladder on the other side of the lake. I saw the ripples on the lake caused by the harsh rain, and mixed emotions of anticipation and excitement swirled in my stomach. I attached another two carabiners. I approached the edge of the high platform and took a deep breath. Then I jumped. -- Stella
As I walk through the leafy green bushes, the gravel beneath my feet crunches with every step that my group and I take. The cute ‘cheep cheep’ of the birds echoes through the empty green hills. The sun is shining in my face, and my lungs are filled with the fresh air of the bush. Every step I take, I’m confident that a sign will be behind the tree in front of me. But, with each tree that I look at, I feel slightly let down, as a blue and red sign is nowhere to be seen. But everyone’s spirit is always lifted when someone says, “It’s behind this one, I’m sure!” -- Cora
‘Whoosh’, everybody is running from the teachers, we are playing this game called Spotlight. Everyone is running through the trenches on our second day of camp, and we must survive this game. We are running through the holes, the light shining on our eyes, fading as it touches the ground. We are not sure what our plan is, but we settle on doing a surprise attack on the teachers. We thought that would work and only a quarter of us would be found. It was a risky mission, but we knew it was our only choice. Okay 1, 2, 3, Go Go Go! We all rush towards the teachers; they are getting us out one by one until five of us are left standing. Those five people tried to hide but the teachers were getting closer. One of us survives, it was a success. After that we gather around the campfire telling stories about how much good teamwork and spirit of Jesus moments there were between us. It was nice because we all were not afraid to share our favourite moments. Some of the moments mentioned were orienteering and looking at that view, it is so beautiful, I cannot believe we live in such a great world. Then in crate climbing we all used so much teamwork to get us to the top and reach our goal one by one. It was great to see our Spirit of Jesus. -- Flynn
As I stepped onto the first crate, I heard my teammates cheering me on. I continued to climb the crates. I felt like I was about to fall, but everyone was helping me achieve our goal and get to the duck toy tied to a rope. I climbed up the last crate stack and touched the top, I heard our group cheering with joy. As I leaped off the crate and slowly came down from the crates, our group was ready to go higher. -- Mia
“oh, yeah right okay…”
Everyone has their hands on the crates, I’m strapped on a harness standing on a crate staircase. Everyone is supporting the structure and cheering me on. I reach the top and smack the goose.
“Okay, and when you’re ready, step off and someone will catch your feet and pull you down,” the instructor explained to me. So, I took a step off and someone grabbed my feet and pulled me down safely without the staircase falling. I had the best time and felt amazing! – Brianna
Everything thinks they can fly, right? You lift up your arms, grow some wings and boom you’re flying! Or perhaps a zip line can help? You’d be flying in the clear weather, and the birds would flutter above you singing, ‘I believe I can fly’! Well, that may be your ideal situation but mine turned out a little more like this….
As the sky rumbled, the only chattering you could hear were moans and tiny ‘plops’ from the droplets flowing on the concrete floor. It didn’t feel like Jesus was making you happy, but little did you know, a smile of light will beam your way soon. The zip-line may only be your next activity, but it felt like a long time to wait – because all you wanted to do was fly like a bird. But, it may not be your turn just yet, but it was for Group 3..(a.k.a my group) and boy was it a loud, positive ( and cold ) vibe through the air. There was no more silence, but there were the sounds of a joyous song, not just through words, but lyrics, that made you feel like you could sing in a choir full of amazing singers. You may conclude it was 6 annoying voices, but the only positive voices in our mind were happiness and joy as a team. The rain from the storm kept thundering down, droplets chasing each other like a race to hit the surface, but none of this would change my groups thoughts. My group was a team. A strong feisty team. We worked together like tigers with their cubs and encouraged each other to our limits. You couldn’t stop our team, and when it comes to the zipline there is nothing better than flying and feeling the rain pour out all your emotions. Some of our teammates were a little bit worried, but with the light of Jesus through the storm we could feel his Spirit making us shine our love and support to each other. Some rain won’t hurt, and neither will a shiver of cold, because with God you know you’re safe. And it may not be your ideal, sunny, and perfect weather for a zip-line, but with your teammates, sometimes just they, can make you feel like you can fly - no matter what the situation is, or the weather. Because with Jesus shining upon them, his spirit can brighten your mood … even if there’s a few clouds of thunder. – Charlotte
On Camp, Spirit of Jesus moments were happening everywhere. But the spirit of Jesus moment that stood out to me was when we were doing hut building. Everyone took in other people’s ideas and made everything work. In the end, every team did really well and made a great, secure hut. I think it was when everyone was helping out and listening to each other’s ideas that was a real spirit of Jesus moment for me-- Chloe
It has been another great fortnight at Liwara. Our celebration on the oval on May 16th produced lots of food scraps to feed our worm farms and Mrs Millar’s chickens. It was great to see parents and students helping Liwara’s sustainability by disposing of their rubbish and food scraps correctly.
This week our students have been harvesting more lettuce leaves as our lettuce are thriving. Our Year 6 Green Team members are pictured below watering in pea seedlings which they put into our junior primary planter boxes. Also, they can be seen delivering another bag of freshly harvested “Allrounder Variety” lettuce leaves for our school canteen.
Handy Hints for Sustainability
This week’s handy hint is “Check weatherproofing on windows and doors”.
Did you know that energy from heating your home can be very easily lost beneath and between the spaces and gaps between windows and doors? As the WA winter season fastly approaches, now is a great time to check the state of weatherproofing on your home’s doors and windows. Considering that up to 70% of greenhouse gases from buildings can be attributed to energy use, it really is worthwhile to do your bit by grabbing some caulking and weather strips to install around windows and doors. This will also make your home much quieter during windy winter storms and your family will feel much more snug and secure too!
Thank you for your continued caring, patience and support.
Let’s all STAY SAFE and KEEP RECYCLING Liwara! Working together we really do make a difference!
Warm regards,
Mr Greenhill and the Liwara Sustainability Team
National Simultaneous Storytime
National Simultaneous Storytime
On Wednesday 19 May 2021 we listened to the story 'Give Me Some Space' written and illustrated by Philip Bunting.
We tuned into the story as it was read by astronaut Dr Shannon Walker from the International Space Station.
The children were so creative with 'accessorising' and looked amazing. The staff also teamed up to become a 'galaxy' of stars and they too looked amazing.
For the winter terms, we have decided to add some “Specials” to the menu.
The first of our specials are the Focaccia Pizza slabs, available every day, until stocks last.
Ham Hero – Ham & Cheese
BBQ Chicken Champion - BBQ Sauce, Chicken & Cheese
Margherita – Cheese and light herbs. (vegetarian)
These are coded “green” on the menu, and they are very tasty.
Thank you again to the fantastic school gardeners, who have brought over some lovely lettuces to use in our sandwiches and salad bowls. The pumpkin is still being used in the pumpkin scones and (quietly) added into the macaroni cheese and spaghetti bolognaise.
We also have a big supply of bananas, so perhaps some banana pikelets and smoothies next week.
Thank you to all of the volunteers who have added their names into our roster. I look forward to seeing you in the coming weeks.
I enjoyed having Inelda and Brendan helping on Tuesday, they looked very stylish in our new aprons.
Deb & Cathy
Uniform Shop
Ordering Details
Uniform order forms can be found on the school website https://www.liwara.wa.edu.au/school-uniform/. Full payment is required when you order and items will be delivered to your child's class on delivery. If you have any questions about uniforms please send them via email to sales@jfe.net.au or call 9204 1701.
Catholic Church Insurance
All of our students are covered for 24 Hour Accident Insurance through Catholic Church Insurance Ltd. Students are covered even if the injury occurs out of school hours. Claims can be made online using the link - https://ccinsurance.org.au/Client-Centre/Claims/Pages/SchoolCare-Claim-Form.aspx OR download and complete the PDF and return it to the School Office. CCI School Care
Marriage Encounter Weekend
2021 Weekends as follows: Online Zoom weekend 30th April – 2nd May 2021. Enrich your marriage in the privacy of your own home, using your own Computer. 16-17 October 2021 to be held at Prendiville Catholic College, Ocean Reef (Live Out). For more information or booking contact: Valerie & Brendon on 0424 220 625 – Email: WAbookings@wwme.org.au Website – www.wwme.org.au
If you would like to receive any more information regarding Worldwide Marriage Encounter please do not hesitate to contact us.

Parents & Friends News
All Saints' Parish News
All Saints' Catholic Church
ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024
TELEPHONE: 0466604754
EMAIL: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au
PARISH OFFICE OPENING TIMES: Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm
MASSES: Monday – Friday 6.00am & 9.00am
Saturday – Vigil -6.00pm
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am, 10.30am & 5.30pm
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)
Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am & 5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request
Parish Notices
All Saints Catholic Church is looking for volunteers to join their cleaning crew! As a volunteer, you will be given a cleaning task that will take you 30-60 mins and you will be on roster once every 7 weeks. You can clean at a time that suits you best. If you can help, contact Heidy Verweij, 046 6251 314 or heidyverweij@gmail.com
24:7 Greenwood Youth Group
For all youth in Years 6-12
This Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Church meeting room
Click on the links to download the latest newsletters.
Call Anthony on 0455 108 885 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information
God bless,
Anthony and Georgia
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers