Dear Lord,
We ask that you be present in this space.
Lord, as we prepare for the coming of a new term make us ready, attentive and available to hear you.
Thank You for the gift of being able to rise each day with the assurance that You walk through it with us.
Thank You for the gifts of creativity and uniqueness, and the energy to put them to good use.
May all that we are today, all that we try to do today, may all our encounters, reflections, even the frustrations and failings all be place in your hands.
May the work we do and the way we do it, bring new hope, new life, and courage to all we come in contact with this semester. We thank you, Lord.
We make this prayer through Christ Our Lord.

The Liwara Newsletter, Volume 11
21st July 2023

In this week's newsletter:
- Welcome Back
- Pilgrimage
- Thank you
and more...
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Welcome back to school for Term 3! A special Liwara greeting to the new families who have joined our school community. We are delighted to have you in our community and look forward to sharing our Liwara journey with you. It seems that everyone enjoyed a wonderful, relaxing holiday period with family and friends as our students have returned to school with their beautiful smiles, eagerly anticipating another exciting term!
It is good to be back at school after the opportunity to access 8 weeks of System Leaders Professional Renewal Leave and I would like to share some of the highlights of an unforgettable pilgrimage.
We began our trip in Egypt, a special part of the Holy Land, where Abraham, Joseph, Moses and the Holy Family walked! Egypt is also the land of the Pharaohs, Jacob, Joseph and Israel during the famine. We travelled down the Nile River and toured the wonders of the ancient world, some of which date back to 1000+ years prior to Abraham. We visited the area of Old Cairo where shelter was given to the Virgin Mary and her baby, as well as the Hanging Church. We visited the Valley of the Kings and the famous Temple of Hatshepsut, dedicated to the princess who is said to have pulled baby Moses out of the Nile River. This temple is believed to have been designed by Moses.
HOLY LAND – We then flew to Tel Aviv and began our pilgrimage through the Holy Land to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and as part of our pilgrimage we were immersed in many of the rich traditions that have evolved over time. The maxim at the entrance to the Church of the Nativity says: “We are hoping that: If you enter here as a tourist, you would exit as a pilgrim. If you enter here as a pilgrim, you would exit as a holier one.” I will just dot point below some of the amazing places I visited and add in some of the thousands of pictures that I took!

Caesarea, the former capital of Judea and visited the archaeological remains of the ancient port which was the base for King Herod’s during his reign.
- Nazareth, the town where Mary once lived and where Jesus lived as a child (Matthew 2:23) and visited the Church of the Annunciation which includes the church of St Joseph, built over the workshop of Joseph and the house of the Holy family. We went to the Church of the Incarnation and viewed the grotto that houses the remains of the house of the Blessed Virgin where the Angel appeared and announced the good news.
- Cana where couples had the opportunity to renew their wedding vows
- Tiberias: Sea of Galilee
- Mount of Beatitudes where Jesus proclaimed His great Sermon on the Mount (Luke 6:20-49)
- Tabgha where Jesus fed the crowd of 5,000 people (Luke 9:10-17)
- Magdala the birthplace of Mary Magdalene
- Capernaum where we visited the site of the Synagogue where Jesus taught (Mark 1:21-29)
- Mount Tabor (Matthew 17:1-50) and celebrated Mass at the Basilica of the Transfiguration
- Jordan Valley and on to Bethany, the oldest inhabited city in the world and where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:38-44)
- Jerusalem: Mt of Olives & Gethsemane where Jesus took His disciples to pray the night before he was crucified (Luke 22:29-53). The garden still contains trees with roots that date back to the time of Jesus!
- Old City of Jerusalem where we walked ‘The Way of the Cross’ following in the footsteps of Jesus and reflected on the spot where Jesus was condemned to death by Pontius Pilate (John 18:29 -19:16). We celebrated Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher the sacred destination is the site of Calvary (Jesus’ crucifixion place) and His tomb.
We then flew to Portugal and spent a few days in Lisbon, Santarem & then onto Fatima where we prayed and meditated upon one of Our Blessed Mother’s apparition sites where Our Lady appeared to the three shepherd children, Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco. Then onto Salamanca, Burgos, Loyola and finally Lourdes, nestled within the Pyrenees Mountains where Our Lady first appeared to Bernadette in 1858 where we joined thousands of other pilgrims at candlelight processions each night. I have been truly blessed for the opportunity to engage in this wonderful experience for my personal spiritual renewal.
A big thank you to Ms Angela Leddin for taking over the running of Liwara in such a competent and supportive manner so that I could immerse myself completely in the pilgrimages.

AND PRE KINDY 2023/2024
We currently have a limited number of vacancies for Kindy 2023, I urge you to contact our enrolment officer, Mrs Karen Rosser as soon as possible, to discuss the enrolment process. I am currently meeting with future and current parents for our 2024 Kindy and Pre Kindy placements. Enrolment information and applications can be downloaded from our school website HERE or a paper copy can be collected from the school office.
If you would like to join a tour, registrations are essential and available via our school website.
Wishing you God’s blessings and a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Andrea Millar
The next P & F meeting will take place on Tuesday, 25th July in the Liwara Hall commencing at 7:00pm. All are welcome to attend.
In Catholic schools across Western Australia, students enrolled in Years 3, 5 and 9 participate in a system-wide, online assessment in Religious Education. The administration of the assessment occurs between Wednesday 2nd – Friday 11th August. Students following a regular classroom program are expected to participate. Exemptions may apply.
Year 3 will complete the assessment on Thursday, 3rd August.
Year 5 students will complete the assessment on Wednesday, 2nd August.
If your child is away on this day, they will complete the assessment when they return to school, if it is within the testing window.
The purpose of the assessment is to measure student learning of the content in the Religious Education Curriculum. Test items relevant to each participating year level are developed by the Religious Education Directorate at the Catholic Education Office of Western Australia. The test items consist of multiple choice, short and extended response. Formal student reports are produced and made available in Term Four. The reports from the assessment complement the school-based assessment programs in Religious Education. As a system-wide, online assessment, classroom teachers, school and system leaders are provided with a ‘point in time’ snapshot of student performance in Religious Education. Please contact your child’s teacher or the assistant principal’s if you have any enquiries regarding the administration of the Religious Education Assessment.
This term, wiling candidates in Year Three will receive their Sacrament of Reconciliation. A reminder to please attend and have your child’s name recorded at one of the sacrament commitment masses at All Saints Parish on either the 29th or 30th July. The Reconciliation Parent Workshops will take place on Tuesday, 1st August and Thursday, 3rd August at 6pm in the Liwara Hall. The Reconciliation Ceremony will take place at 2pm on Saturday, 19th August.
This term, wiling candidates in Year Six will receive their Sacrament of Confirmation. A reminder to please attend and have your child’s name recorded at one of the sacrament commitment masses at All Saints Parish on either the 5th or 6th August. The Confirmation Parent Workshops will take place on Tuesday, 15th August and Thursday, 17th August at 6pm in the Liwara Hall. The Confirmation Mass dates are 6pm on Saturday, 9th September and 9:30am on Sunday, 10th September.
All students from Pre-primary through to Year 6 will participate in dance lessons with Bardon Dance Innovations this term. Pre-Primary through to Year Five will have dancing every Thursday and Year Six will complete their lesson mainly on Friday’s with the odd Wednesday due to carnivals. The students look forward to performing for all families on Thursday, 21st September at our Dance Showcase.
Year 5 will be attending Parish Mass on Monday, 24th July at 9am in the All Saints Parish.
Year 6 will be leading the school in Whole School Prayer on Monday, 31st July at 2:40pm at the All Saints Parish. All are welcome to join us for prayer.
This term’s Family Mass will be held in the All Saints Parish on Sunday, 6th August (Week 3) commencing at 9:30am. All families are encouraged to attend and those students who attend in school uniform will be allowed to wear free dress at school the following day (Monday, 7th August).
Our first certificate Assembly for Term Three will take place at 2:30pm in the Liwara Hall on Friday, 4th August.
Pre-Kindy school photographs will take place on Wednesday, 30th August and Friday, 1st September. Year 6 will also have their Graduation Photo taken on Wednesday, 30th August.
Year Two will present a Performance Assembly on Friday, 11th August at 2:30pm in the Liwara Hall.
Ms Angela Leddin & Mrs Jesseca Francis
Assistant Principals
Our current MJR focus is ‘W.E.S.T’ which encourages people to Welcome, Encourage, Say Sorry and give Thanks. You can “go W.E.S.T.” by welcoming new students and families to Liwara, encourage everyone you see to do their best, say a heartfelt sorry when needed and give thanks to God each and every day!

TERM 3 DATES: Monday, 17 July – Thursday, 21 September
Week 2
July 24 - Y5 Parish Mass @ 9.00am
July 24 - Y2 Excursion
July 25 - Neurodiversity Parent Meeting @ 9.00am
July 27 - Dancing Lessons
July 29 - Reconciliation Commitment Mass @ 6.00pm
Week 3
July 30 - Reconciliation Commitment Masses (All Masses)
July 31 - Y6 Whole School Prayer @ 2.40pm
August 1 - Reconciliation Parent Workshop @ 6pm
August 2-4 - BRLA: Yr 3 & 5
August 3 - Dancing Lessons
August 3 - Reconciliation Parent Workshop @ 6pm
August 4 - Certificate Assembly @ 2.30pm
All students are encouraged to return their borrowed books before school from 8.15am to go into the weekly raffle draw.
Library Days
Tuesday – Years 3 & 4
Wednesday – Years 2, 5 & 6
Thursday – Kindy, Pre-Primary & Year 1
This week we started our "Everything is Awesome" collaborative Lego build. Students who borrowed a book had the chance to add a piece of Lego to our Liwara masterpiece. Next time you're passing by the library, pop in and have a look. It's looking great!

Library Bags for Sale
The Liwara Craft Group have made Library bags. They are selling them for $10.00 a bag and all profits go towards the craft stall for the school fair.
If you are interested in purchasing one or more of these beautiful bags, they can be purchased through trybookings:
Then bring their receipt to the Library and select a bag.

Mrs Clark
Welcome back for Term 3. We hope you had a wonderful holiday.
In the school holidays I attended the West Australian School Canteen Association to complete the new National Food and Safety Hygiene Supervisor Practices.
These new rules will apply for most food handling from December 2023.
Whilst our canteen already has the majority of this covered, there are some new templates that will be signed and noted daily. It is always a good idea to keep up to date with any new changes that will apply.
We are now up to date with all of our cooking, so all of the usual healthy and delicious
items are available for ordering.
Thank you for continuing to support the Liwara canteen.
Deb & Julie
The Uniform Shop is open Thursdays from 8.15am - 9am for all your uniform needs! Doors will not open outside of these hours.
JFE Details
Phone: 9204 1701
Email: saes@jfe.net.au


To read this weeks P & F Newsletter, click here.
Please see our current Try Bookings Form and Reimbursement Form below:
To keep up to date, head to our private Facebook page by clicking here.
7 Liwara Place
Greenwood, WA
Father Elver Delicano
Monday – Friday 6am & 9am
Saturdays 6pm
Sundays 7:30am, 9:30am & 5:30pm
Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am - 3pm
m: 0466604754
e: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au


At 24:7 Greenwood youth group on Sunday we had a creative night to end the holidays with some artistic fun with 24 young people coming to share in the evening. We began the night with some fun games before heading into the creative part of the night. The inspiration and theme for our creativity was Psalm 23 reflecting on God as the good shepherd. The youth were able to take this theme and apply it in an outlet of their choice in our writer’s corner, music-making corner and our drawer’s corner. It was a fun night and great opportunity for the young people to apply their creative talents in their faith and to be able to relax as we head into Term 3.
On Friday, we had a combined sisterhood event for girls across the 24:7 youth groups in the North. It was held in our All Saints parish hall in Greenwood. It was a beautiful morning tea with a Q&A panel of three guests sharing on vocation. We were blessed to hear from a consecrated nun, a new mother and a single woman on all things vocations and womanhood. Before the morning tea, we had reconciliation organised and were also able to attend Mass in the morning. It was a fantastic event enjoyed by everyone.
Our next youth group we will be introducing our new term theme of "Saints." We will beginning this theme with three guest speakers and leaders sharing about saints they look up to in their lived and saints who inspire them to grow deeper in their faith.
God bless,
Jesse and Lucy
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers

Dental Health Services
Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre
Greenwood Primary School | Merivale Way, Greenwood,Wa,6024
Ph: (08) 92035611 |
The Anglican Grace Chapel in Joondalup and St Vincent De Paul Northern Conferences jointly open a drop-in centre for the homeless and disadvantaged each Monday and Friday at the Grace Chapel. Volunteers offer and serve a heated meal, tea and coffee and hampers of donated food for the guests.
More volunteers are desperately needed. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Peter on 0491 048 207 or email: ryansite@tpg.com.au.

We are now accepting Pre Kindy - Year 6 enrolments for 2023 as well as 2024 & 2025. Please contact the school if you have any questions or for more information.