Harmony Day

Liwara will be celebrating Harmony Day on Thursday the 21st of March. Harmony Day is a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home - from the traditional owners of this land to those who have come from many countries around the world. To celebrate this important day the children of Liwara will be participating in activities to celebrate the many cultures that make us so special. The children are also asked to wear an orange accessory, which is the official Harmony Day colour.
To continue our celebrations, our Family Mass on Sunday 24 March at 9:30am at the All Saints’ Parish will also focus on Harmony Day. At this Mass we will gather together to embrace and celebrate the wonderful cultures that are part of our Liwara community. In class, the children have been learning a hymn with Signora Rossi to sing at the Mass and there will be prayers read in a range of languages. It would be wonderful for all the Liwara children to come along to participate in this special celebration of diversity within our school and community.